Recently, information made public about XenoForge has brought into question our affiliation with her. We have taken our time making a direct statement to avoid any false information while we conducted our own investigation.
What Happened:
Yesterday morning, an individual tweeted screenshots of ZenoForge's dog wearing, amongst other things, a MAGA hat. The same individual also posted screenshots implicating XenoForge as a zoophile. We were quickly tagged in this post as XenoForge is the creator of the Felkin species which our most recent model (Zane) is based on.
We would like to emphasize a core value all owners strictly enforce at Twin Tail Creations:
We do not discriminate against:
- Race
- Age
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Disability
- Religion
- Political Affiliation
We enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding discrimination in any of these areas. We understand political affiliations can be particularly dividing. As such, the company does not and will not comment on any political affiliations regardless of political stance or topic. While we do not expect all of our employees and contractors to share the same beliefs, we do expect them to respect the beliefs and opinions of others even if they differ from their own.
Addressing Misinformation:
There are a few statements we have seen floating around which we would like to directly address:
"XenoForge designed TTC's new model: Zane"
XenoForge originally worked with FriskyBeast to create the Felkin design and we inherited this design when we acquired FriskyBeast. At the time, the design was still only rough sketches. Earlier this year, our in-house 3D modeler took the sketches and designed the 3D model now known as Zane. While she was shown final designs, XenoForge was not a part of this modeling process. She did not design Zane and did not produce Zane's artwork.
"XenoForge is an employee of TTC"
She is not, and has never been, employed by us.
"XenoForge is a Zoophile and TTC is ok with it"
Absolutely not. We do not condone beastiality in any form and take this accusation incredibly seriously. Prior to yesterday's events, we have never had any indication of XenoForge being associated with any form of zoophilia.
Our Findings:
The LAST thing we want to do is label someone with something as serious as zoophilia without being confident beyond any reasonable doubt of the validity of the accusations. We spent time researching this on our own as well as reaching out to XenoForge. From the information available, we do not believe there is currently enough evidence to state whether or not the allegations are true with certainly. We will not be a part of the spread of rumor and conjecture which is why we would like to kindly ask our customers and followers to reserve judgement until we can be more certain of the truth. We do not want to be responsible for giving someone a label which could ruin their life.
To be clear: We do not condone zoophilia. PERIOD. If we ever find sufficient evidence indicating an individual associated with us is involved in such activities, their relationship with us will end IMMEDIATELY.
Our response:
While we have not paid XenoForge for any artwork in well over a year, we were in the middle of discussions regarding future work. After a discussion with XenoForge earlier today, we will not be commissioning her for any current or future projects. In addition, we will continue to hold the rights to Zane's design and there are no plans to pull the model.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
We hope you stay safe.